Over 50 and Embracing a Multiethnic Legacy with Stephanie Cotsirilos
Actor, lawyer and author Stephanie Cotsirilos discusses her experience of being widowed shortly after she and her husband had adopted a baby boy from Peru.
Smart Digital Communications
Actor, lawyer and author Stephanie Cotsirilos discusses her experience of being widowed shortly after she and her husband had adopted a baby boy from Peru.
Best Selling Author Marilyn Shannan discusses breaking down stigmas and the importance of relationships.
Author Janelle Anderson carried a burden of shame for decades and it was only in midlife that she awakened to how her past was impacting her ability to find her life’s purpose.
Ottawa’s Stacey Diffin-Lafleur, a skilled and talented marketing and communications specialist , has a lot of opinions and shares them quite freely in this high energy podcast interview.
Best selling author Bridget Cook-Burch shares how her 50th birthday was a day that turned a corner for her.
Freelance journalist Nicola O’Connell shares her experiences of the sandwich generation where she has young children and is caring for her mother.