Influencer relations: how to build trust
Reporters, facebookers, bloggers, Instagrammers, YouTube Creators, Podcasters are all influencers. Here’s six rules for good influencer relations.
Smart Digital Communications
Reporters, facebookers, bloggers, Instagrammers, YouTube Creators, Podcasters are all influencers. Here’s six rules for good influencer relations.
Industry certification separates the wheat from the chaff in social marketing expertise. Look for certification when recruiting team members or contracting a consultant or agency to get the best, most-knowledgeable talent.
This free 13-page eBook outlines the skills, talents and knowledge that a social media expert brings to every strategy, program and campaign..
Change is in the air. People are demanding transparency and accountabilty of their news sources (and count Facebook among them). But they’ll have to be willing to pay for news if we are going to head off the bleak future predicted in this survey.
Understanding and managing an ever-expanding set of digital channels can be a 24/7 process. A social media consultant has the digital knowledge along with solid marketing and communications experience.
The Facebook data scandal is not the end of social media marketing. It’s not even the beginning of the end. Perhaps it’s the beginning of a new more principled approach?